Wednesday 24 June 2015

Unmappable Character for Encoding

Hmmm, so I was working on a module of a big project. One of its modules has been developed by some other folks. Now, I checked out the code and as the recommended first step, tried to do a Maven Build of the whole project. But lo! It threw an error:

[FileName] error: unmappable character for encoding Cp1252

Now this file belonged to the other module written by the other team. After some Googling, I learnt that this kind of an Error is encountered due to Windows encoding issues (read not using the standard UTF8). Anyways, here's the two fixes available.

1. Approach 1: In the pom.xml of the file in error specify the encoding to be used as shown below
under <build/>:

2. Approach 2: I prefer this approach as I frequently use Maven Build from the command prompt and this does not involve touching any file. So what one has to do is simply include "" in the build command as shown below:

mvn clean install

And that's it! Works like a charm! :)

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